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Every mind
a kingdom

A new novel by brian miller

“How do you know you're alive?” asked the monk afterwards. He turned his horned head and growled. “How do we know you aren't really dead?”

Pak had no answer for him. “I don't know.” This was the danger in what he had done. He had forgotten his place in reality, and the monks would forever distrust him for it.

He had struggled for years to see death in life, to prevent a second invasion of Creation by the damned, even as his brothers died around him in the chaos of a civil war. Just as all hope seems lost for him and his mission, he receives news of a child on Earth, who is said to see into Hell itself.

Pak sets out to find the boy, a child named Anim, unaware that at the far corner of Creation, the Shuran Emperor has sent a Tullau-Yen nun to deliver the child to his court. They will each find their way towards the boy through the impoverished and war-torn world of Earth, where warring militias have stumbled upon Anim and devised their own plans for him.

Time for them all, however, is short. For just beyond our perception, in the worlds beyond death, the armies of Hell await.

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